Free printable resources
The NZ Vegetarian Society is a registered charity and all our activities focus on promoting better knowledge and understanding of vegetarianism. We do not receive any government funding, so we rely heavily on membership fees and donations.
Please view all resources available for download free of charge below.
If you do require a paper copy and are a local group contact, teacher, librarian or feel you are unable to pay due to personal financial circumstances, then please contact us on info@vegetarian.org.nz.
- Environmental - oceans.pdf (51KB PDF)
- Environmental - earth.pdf (184KB PDF)
- Environmental - emissions.pdf (72KB PDF)
- Welfare - lifespan.pdf (72KB PDF)
- Welfare - animals killed.pdf (92KB PDF)
- Welfare - compassion.pdf (113KB PDF)
- Health - American Dietetic Association.pdf (51KB PDF)
- Health - it is easy.pdf (174KB PDF)
- Health - live well, live longer.pdf (61KB PDF)
- World Vegetarian Month.pdf (41KB PDF)
- Why eat the other.pdf (82KB PDF)
- Nutrition - iron and protein.pdf (358KB PDF)
- Nutrition - vegan and vegetarian.pdf (461KB PDF)
- Nutrition - calcium and vitamin D.pdf (584KB PDF)
- Nutrition - vitamin B12.pdf (707KB PDF)
- Reasons to be veg.pdf (481KB PDF)
- Nutrition - pregnancy and breastfeeding.pdf (922KB PDF)
- Nutrition - veg children.pdf (1MB PDF)
- Nutrition - veg teenagers.pdf (1014KB PDF)
- Nutrition - Elderly.pdf (809KB PDF)